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Accountability Journey

What began as a New York Times best-selling book, The Oz Principle, then later developed into a full-day interactive workshop, is now a comprehensive multi-year program.

The Accountability Journey is a strategic schedule of learning, application, expert consulting, and periodic review designed to embed positive accountability throughout your organization.

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Drive Better Results Through Accountability

A Focus on Results

You can’t expect your workforce to be accountable for something that’s vague or confusing. That’s why your Accountability Journey starts by clearly defining the results you want. With guidance from our expert consultants, you’ll refine these results to the three most important annual objectives: your Key Results. As your workforce progresses on this journey, they’ll start defining their jobs not with a title and duties, but in terms of how they will achieve these results, which leads to greater personal accountability.

Not Your Typical Accountability

Most people’s experience with “accountability” is not a positive one. It’s something that happens after something goes wrong. On this journey, accountability is redefined as a positive, personal choice applied in the present to impact results you are working toward.

The Accountability Journey’s core model illustrates this definition and provides a common language for addressing accountability that prevents it from being weaponized. When people aren’t accountable, they make excuses, blame others, feel frustrated, and focus on what they can’t control.

Speak With a Culture Consultant

We offer free 30-minute consultations with culture experts (not salespeople) to discuss your goals for your culture journey.

The Journey Gains Momentum

Along the journey, your teams will use the 16 Accountability Best Practices to elevate accountability in their daily activity. They’ll coach each other with a simple, powerful model that makes seeking and offering feedback easier and more effective. Under this model, your teams will regularly engage in quick feedback exchanges, rather than lengthy sessions to mitigate problems. And that means improved collaboration and fewer surprises.

How does this play out in your organization, so you can hold employees accountable in a positive way? Internal facilitators are developed and certified to deliver the full-day workshops, model the best practices, and coach others. Leaders and managers upskill in establishing and managing expectations, improving their ability to hold others accountable and close performance gaps before they become costly problems. Bi-annual reviews evaluate progress made and progress needed. The Accountability Journey engine accelerates, priming your organization for sustained success.


From the way we give and receive feedback to how we conduct our weekly staff meetings to basic performance management, we have begun the journey…and remind one another that we can’t afford to wallow “Below The Line” and substitute excuses for results...”

Former President and CEO, Real Mex Restaurants

Looking Ahead

Common workplace issues like employee engagement, talent retention, trust, and morale have their roots in accountability. On the Accountability Journey, you’ll empower employees at all levels in your organization to take ownership of needed results, elevating their achievement, job satisfaction, and sense of purpose.

You’ll also provide a foundation for any additional development initiatives, including culture transformation. People who know how to take ownership for results always bring added value. Clients who have undergone accountability training with us have achieved a 200% increase in profit margin in 18 months, a 15% boost in sales, and an 81% decrease in days lost to injury, among hundreds of other key metrics achieved.

Take the Accountability Journey