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New Research Determines How to Strengthen Workplace Cultures by 62%

Culture Partners Launches New Research Series with Report on Four Factors That Optimize Workplace Culture

As the redefinition of the workplace continues, new research by Culture Partners finds that activating four factors within organizational culture increases workplace culture strength by 62%.

Surveying 4,960 employee responses from 26 different global organizations over the last three years, Culture Partners has determined four key factors for improving culture strength:

  • Positive experiences
  • Cultural beliefs reinforcement
  • Engaged actions
  • Setting clear results 

Researchers found, using a predictive regression model, that when these four factors are activated within The Results Pyramid® (an applied framework), overall company culture strength improves 62%. The Results Pyramid model is a simple, powerful method of understanding the connection between culture and the results that are achieved. 

“When organizational leadership engages with employees in the active redefinition and ownership of workplace culture, workplace culture strengthens for the marathon — not just for the sprint,” said Jessica Kriegel, Chief Scientist of Workplace Culture at Culture Partners, who led the study. 

As employees reassess the meaning and value of work in their lives, workplace culture is no longer a second- or third-tier concern for organizations. And as the very definition of “workplace” shifts with hybrid and remote workplace cultures emerging, organizations can find themselves caught in an action trap — failing to connect with the underlying daily experiences and formed beliefs of their employees that drive actions that, in time, can result in negative effects of disengagement such as “quiet quitting,” “productivity paranoia,” and others.

The study, which is the first in a series Culture Partners will conduct, offers a way forward for organizations. “The data is very clear: there’s nothing complex or bewildering about how to strengthen culture. You just need to know which levers to focus on and pull,” notes Kriegel.

Download a complimentary copy of the report, Uncovering Key Factors That Determine Culture Strength


Honoring its commitment to strengthening workplace cultures globally, Culture Partners has launched a new research series beginning with this study. Researchers sourced a large employee data set (4,960 in 26 organizations) of survey responses with questions from Culture Partners’ key client measures over a recent three-year period. Using this data set, researchers grouped each survey question under one of four factors (experiences, beliefs, actions, or results). Researchers then ran a predictive regression model to assess both the impact of each factor individually on culture strength, as well as the collective impact of all four factors within the framework.

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