Products & Services

Culture Maps™

Culture Maps are fully customized learning solutions and communication tools that deliver concise, consistent, clear messaging in a team-based, interactive workshop.

They supplement the power of discovery learning activities (learning through action) with meaningful, contextually rich visuals—creating a highly effective experience for transferring key knowledge.

Organizational Success

Whether your organization needs alignment around onboarding, a new process, or a strategic initiative, your employees must understand marketplace factors impacting the business, where the organization is going, and how they fit into the picture of success.

The Experience

Your team gathers around a colorful Culture Map™ that serves as the centerpiece of the learning experience. Whether in the classroom or virtual breakout room, participants in this company culture game work together to explore content, discuss issues, draw conclusions, and develop new insights, motivation, and commitment. Competitive games, challenging scenarios, realistic simulations, videos, and other activities can be added to the experience to ensure long-term knowledge retention and influence behaviors on the job.

Speak With a Culture Consultant

We offer free 30-minute consultations with culture experts (not salespeople) to discuss your goals for your culture journey.

Culture Maps
Solutions in Action

A major appliance company collaborated with Culture Partners to deliver a global initiative about the organization’s values and ethics. We created a Culture Map with ancillary interactive elements to reintroduce participants to company ethics and values. Afterwards, Culture Partners facilitated an exercise that allowed participants to role play, navigate scenarios, and interact with situations (with their peers around a table) that placed the values and ethics in question in real-world cases. The implementation spanned 180 locations globally, with the program translated into 10 languages. In the end, the project was a noted success and championed by the organization’s chief legal officer and her team.


Without question, the launch of our Culture Map program helped our employees see how their work connects to key initiatives, core strategies, and most important, the experience we want each of our members to have.”

Director of Organizational Change

Healthcare Organization

Visualize Your Culture