
Building Great Leaders® with Business Acumen: A Fireside Chat With APi Group

August, 26 2024

When you recognize that people are foundational to creating value, you continually look for ways to strengthen their leadership abilities. In this fireside chat, Culture Partners’ Vice President Robb Gomez talks to Jason Hult, Safety Services Segment Financial Leader at APi Group, about building business acumen using Zodiak®: The Game of Business Finance and Strategy.
Since 2020, APi Group has trained more than 1,200 employees (and counting) through Zodiak workshops that simulate real-world business scenarios impacting the top and bottom lines. Jason will share the benefits the company has seen from more strategic decision-making due to greater business acumen and financial literacy.

This session covers:

  • What is Zodiak®: The Game of Business Finance and Strategy and how does it work to upskill employees
  • Why it was desirable for APi Group to increase their team’s business acumen
  • Lessons learned along the way

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