The Value of Cultural Alignment: Four Real-World Experiences
Every leader wants to drive improved organizational results. In this ebook, we share the stories of four leaders who made a quantifiable difference by aligning company culture to do just that. Here’s a sample of what they achieved:
3X the target for a key result in 18 months
A 10% increase in employee satisfaction in six months
A 14-point improvement in YoY employee engagement
The Value of Cultural Alignment: Four Real-World Experiences eBook
The right company culture can amplify your organizational results. Learn what works.
How an aligned culture breaks down organizational silos
What kind of culture shift improves the customer experience and employee satisfaction
Why employee turnover is no match for an aligned organization
How reframing accountability boosts employee engagement and organizational growth
Going through this transformation process has changed how I lead every single day.”
Katy Amaya
Former client/Senior Culture Strategist at Culture Partners